
Trees are a significant asset for many homes. They often enhance curb appeal and provide an attractive focal point for outdoor landscapes. But trees can only add value and beauty when they are strong and healthy. Since trees and plants are living things they are also susceptible to damage and even death when it comes to diseases or pest infestations. This is why homeowners need to know about three dangerous, yet common diseases in trees.

#1 Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew is a powdery, white fungus that often appears on vegetables growing in your garden or the leaves on trees and other vegetation. This fungus can quickly spread and even spreads from one tree to the next. Even though powdery mildew is not usually fatal to a tree, it has the potential to stunt its growth, destroy the leaves, and mar the tree’s appearance.

If you have noticed this fungus on a tree, containing the powdery mildew is key. This involves pruning back the affected sections. If you are not sure about what you are doing contact tree pruning experts to handle the task on your behalf.

#2 Septoria Leaf Spot

This is a fungus variety that seems to mainly affect dogwood trees. The fungus causes brown or rust-colored small spots on the leaves of the tree. Over time, the spots start drying out, causing the foliage to dehydrate and die. Septoria might not be a life-threatening disease, but the stress placed on the trees may impact their future health and growth, which could compromise the viability of your trees over the long term.

Fungi flourishes and thrives in warm and humid weather, which means it prefers damp and moist areas, this includes waste around your yard such as a leaf pile. Your trees should be kept well-pruned as this lowers humidity around the immediate environment of your trees and encourages airflow.

#3 Thousand Cankers Disease

This disease is also a type of fungus that will kill trees, especially the Black Walnut tree, where it affects the tree’s bark. Trees become more vulnerable to Thousand Cankers Disease when twig beetles have burrowed into the bark. The burrows are what create the pathways for this fungus. When it starts to take hold it will form cankers beneath the bark which eventually leads to the death of the branches and stems.

Containment will not be an issue with this disease. If you think that one or more of your trees may have Thousand Cankers Disease, it is best to contact a certified arborist to conduct a tree health evaluation.

The three main ways to control these tree diseases are to prune out tissue that has been severely affected, pruning that allows for increased airflow, and remove any affected debris off the ground once it has fallen.

To protect the health of your trees and to prevent diseases, it is in your best interest to contact a certified arborist to maintain and evaluate your trees. Before winter arrives is usually the ideal time to book a health evaluation for your trees.

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